Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What Is a Balanced Diet? Here’s Your Sign!

Everyone knows that you and your kids are supposed to be eating a “healthy balanced diet”. That’s great, but “What Is A Balanced Diet?” How exactly is a healthy balanced diet different from what most people eat? While you ultimately have to decide what the best nutrition is for you based on your lifestyle, goals, and choices, but there are several things that hold true.
A healthy balanced diet is filled with as many “real foods” as possible. That means foods that haven’t been filled with chemicals, including artificial colors and flavorings. If it comes in a box, no matter how “all natural” it is, you’re probably better off not buying it.

What Is a Balanced Diet? Here’s Your Sign!

Choosing the path of a healthy balanced diet is a lifestyle change, and can take some practice. Here are some great suggestions to get you started on your path to a healthy balanced diet.
A good way to start is to slowly eliminate packaged food to foods and meals that you create. There are a number of recipes available that will allow you to make your own foods and meals that only take few minutes up front. Another idea to keep in mind is “mason jar” recipes. These recipes allow you to prepare your meals ahead for maximum convenience while still staying on your healthy balanced diet. These recipes include salads, oatmeal’s, and more. There are plenty of other options that will allow you to put together your favorite foods once and enjoy them for up to a week without any further effort.
GFT 3 day refresh banner
Never deprive yourself of any food group. This doesn’t mean that you should be chowing down on unhealthy snacks and high-fat foods. It does mean that you shouldn’t limit yourself to fruits, vegetables, and lean meats all the time, either. It is okay to have a splurge item every once in a while. Rule of thumb eat balanced 90% of the time and you will be on the right track. Focus on eating a wide variety of foods so your body gets all of the nutrients it needs and that you are not depriving yourself of something that you really need in order to function at your optimal level.
Foods that you should be limiting are refined grains and added sugar. Added sugar, in particular, can be hard to catch! Many foods that you buy prepackaged or at restaurants contain added sugar content to help them taste better or to cover up the taste of other additives, which is one of the reasons why it’s often better to cook your own when possible. Refined grains process through your body very quickly and are turned into sugar. Whole grains, on the other hand, will keep the nutritional content of the wheat intact.
Eat the rainbow. No, not that popular candy that comes complete with a week’s supply of sugar and enough artificial colors to take you to the moon and back. Rather, eat a “rainbow” of fruits and vegetables. Different colors tend to indicate that the fruits or vegetables have similar nutrients in them. That means that you should fill your plate with all sorts of different tones. Not only is it pretty (which, according to research, will make you enjoy eating it even more), it also contains a variety of different nutrients.
Control your portion sizes. A good rule of thumb is to start by dividing the portion you would normally eat in half. To help control your portions, pay attention when you’re eating. Don’t plop down in front of your television or computer screen; instead, concentrate on the process of eating. Enjoy the flavor and texture of your foods instead of mindlessly shoveling your meal down before going back for more. Also, use this old trick: use a smaller plate to help your portions seem larger.
Try not to drink your calories with soda and other similar drinks. You often don’t realize how many calories there really are in your favorite coffee drink or that soda that you drink by the bottle, but it can pack on the pounds fast. When possible, drink water–and lots of it! Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your body. The only caloric drink that would be highly recommended is a total nutrition shake. These can be used for a healthy snack or meal replacement when used with a recipe.
Implement these suggestions and you will be on your way to creating a healthy balanced diet that fits your lifestyle.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Eating Healthy On A Budget – Yes, It is Possible!

Eating healthy on a budget may often feel like an impossible challenge when you start walking through the grocery store. You look at the cost of healthy food, and start to wonder whether or not it’s really worth it. It is worth it, and YOU can eat healthy on a budget. You can fill your shopping cart with food that will fuel your mind and body without breaking the bank. The trick is to know how to do it.

Eating Healthy On A Budget – Yes, It is Possible!!301

Here are a couple tips to get you headed in the right direction.
  1. Have vegetarian days. Reduce the amount of meat you’re eating. When you reduce your meat consumption, you also reduce the amount of money that you’re spending, which in turn frees up funds in your budget for other healthy choices.
  1. Don’t buy pre-packaged food if you can avoid it. The healthiest nutrition is one that consists of natural, whole foods that have been acquired in their original state. That “fat free” or “low fat” packaged foods might be tempting, but they are packed full of artificial colors and flavors, not to mention being high in sodium and high in chemical compositions that you cannot even pronounce. You will be surprised by the budget difference when you pick up the individual ingredients for your favorite healthy treats instead of buying them ready-made for you. A good example is a container of hummus that costs around $4 can be made from a can of low-sodium beans ($1) and a handful of other ingredients that you may already have sitting around your home. Ready-to-serve oatmeal packets cost twice as much per serving than if you buy a big canister of oatmeal and sweeten it with honey. Plus it is just flat out healthier for you.
  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. The high fiber content of most fruits and vegetables will actually help you feel full longer, which means that you’ll be less likely to come back and snack later. By adding fruits and vegetables to your nutrition, you not only decrease the amount that you’re eating, you also substantially increase your consumption of healthy nutrients that your body needs to function at its optimal level.
  1. Explore alternative sources of protein. Try out nut butters, beans, and Tempeh for healthier alternatives to eating large amounts of meat. Beans and Tempeh, in particular, are much less expensive but still have great nutritional benefits.
There are plenty of ways to stay within your budget and eat healthy. These are just a few strategies you can use to reduce your total at the grocery store.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Understand Why You May Be Gaining Weight While on a Low Fat Diet

When it comes to losing weight, most people turn to a low fat diet thinking that is the best route to go. However there really is no reason to go on a low fat diet, or an all meat diet, or any other fad diet that is out there. Losing weight is about eating balanced nutrition. Fad diets will only create weight loss for a short period of time if at all. It typically just leads to yo-yoing, and most gain all their weight back or more.
First thing you want to be doing is paying attention to your nutrition and portion sizes even when you don’t have weight to lose. This helps you maintain your weight and prevention is always better than having to lose the weight. Ultimately you are here because you do have some weight to lose. Here are a few tips that will help you make sure that you have an understanding why you may have put on weight but also information about putting the right nutrition into your body.

Understand Why You May Be Gaining Weight While on a Low Fat Diet

The first thing you want to figure out is exactly why you’re gaining weight. What have you been doing or not been doing that could have led to the weight gain? Are you exercising or exercising less? Are you taking any new medications? Did you start taking birth control? Do you suffer from hypothyroidism? These are all things that can lead to gaining weight. Understanding where you weight gain is coming from will help you establish a path of nutrition that will work best for you.

Dos and Don’ts of Balanced Nutrition

  1. Fast Food. Everyone knows that eating fast food is bad for you. Most fast food meals contain more than a thousand calories, which would consist of half or more of your total calorie intake for a day.
  2. Fried Foods and Desserts. You need to think about whether you’re the kind of person who tends to splurge on fried foods or sweets. Figure out your weaknesses and you’ll know what you need to avoid most of the time.
  3. Late Night Snacking. A good recommendation is to not eat two hours prior to bedtime. Snacking late at night can pack on the pounds.
  1. Keeping a journal. If you’re not entirely sure where you’re going wrong, you can figure this out by keeping a journal of everything you eat.
  2. Eat 5-6 Smaller Meals Every 3-4 hours. This will keep your metabolism working properly and keep you from being very hungry, which can lead to unneeded snacking or choosing snacks that may not be healthy.
  3. Sleep 7-8 Hours Every Night. This will help to keep your hormone ghrelin at optimal levels. Excess levels may result in weight gain.
  4. Utilize a Total Nutrition Shake for a Snack or Meal Replacement. High quality total nutrition shakes can provide you all of your daily nutritional, and make a great snack or meal replacement when used in a recipe to meet your caloric needs. Shakeology is a high quality nutrition shake that has been known to increase your energy, make you feel healthier, as well as improve digestion and regularity. Plus Shakeology comes in six different flavors and tastes amazing.
  5. Cut out the unhealthy foods. With that said find replacements for those foods that really do satisfy you. Check out some of these healthy meal and snack ideas.
So no fad diet is needed. You will stop gaining weight and lose weight by creating a healthy balanced nutrition plan that you enjoy.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Workout Routines for Women: Change Focus from Thin to Toned

So the question of the day is, what are the best Workout Routines for Women. Men and women seek out very different routes when looking to get healthy. Most men are looking to lift weights, build muscle, and tone their bodies, while most women simply focus on cardio to get thin.
Unfortunately, it should not be focused this way. If you work out with the right program that combines lifting weights and cardio you will create a healthy body that is toned and the proper weight. When that is the focus, that will create the appropriate weight and a healthy toned body. Remember success is not always the number on the scale, but really about how your clothes fit. As you lose weight and gain muscle your weight will fluctuate but it is what your body composition is doing that makes all the difference.

Workout Routines for Women: Change Focus from Thin to Toned

When you’re designing a workout plan, you should make sure that you incorporate weight lifting and other toning exercises. In fact, the most effective plan is to have cardio, resistance training, and a balanced nutrition plan.
Here’s good news, there are plenty of workouts that can be accomplished without the need to buy special workout equipment. If you have comfortable clothing that’s easy to move in and good athletic shoes, you’re already good to go! Using your body weight can be a good way to begin a training routine that will shape and tone your body.
So how do you get started? With a proper warm-up of course. A good warm up with calisthenics and dynamic moves is always the way to go. This means lightly jogging in place for a few minutes; do some jumping jacks; or turn on your favorite music and dance.
Now it is time to move on to an exercise routine that focuses on toning and cardio, or toning one day and cardio the next. The more you mix it up, the more likely you are to have results. A couple of options for fast results include the 21 Day Fix, which is designed to get you toned and back into shape fast. There is also Beachbody On-Demand which gives you access to a vast library of programs that allows you to find a workout that best suits your goals. Beachbody On-Demand allows you to change things up whenever you get bored. This will help keep you moving and motivate you to achieve your goals.
Finish it out with a Cool down. Once you’ve completed your worked out you don’t want to just stop. Instead, take a few minutes to stretch, relieving the tension in muscles that you’ve just worked hard.
Utilizing these program suggestions will help shift your focus from simply weight loss to toning. This shift will help you reach your goals and gain greater results.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Healthy Cauliflower Puree

I love potatoes just about any way you make them, but I don’t always love the extra starch and full feeling I am left with after eating them. Don’t get me wrong…potatoes on their own are not necessarily bad for you.  They are packed with vitamins B6, C, copper, manganese, potassium and fiber, but let’s be honest….we don’t just eat a plain potato, and a normal serving should be no larger than your computer mouse!   Normally potato dishes are covered in butter, fried in oil or have cheese and other high fat ingredients, oh, and they are the size of your head!  

Over the past year, I fell in love with cauliflower puree in place of mashed potatoes.  They are seriously the best, because they offer that creamy texture and comfort food feel without the guilt.  Plus you’ll get all of the recommended vitamin C for the day as well as B5, B6, Folate and Omega-3 oils that you wouldn’t otherwise get from a potato.  Cauliflower is high in antioxidants and aids in cell detoxification and strengthens the liver during this process.  Potatoes can also raise your blood sugar rapidly which if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic…this is a BIG “NO-NO”.  Potatoes are a 98 on the glycemic index (a system that rates foods on a scale from 1-100 based on their effect on blood sugar) but cauliflower is a mere 15!!!

For these reasons, I will keep choosing cauliflower over potatoes and I hope you will consider trying it too!  


Healthy Cauliflower Puree       Serves 4-6
Alice Conradt

2 heads cauliflower (core removed and cut into florets)
2 cups vegetable stock, low fat milk or chicken stock (your choice)
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1 Tbsp butter (good quality) (optional unless you are vegan)

Place cauliflower florets in a large skillet with your stock or milk.  Add salt and pepper and set temperature on med/high heat.  Turn burner down when liquid comes to a boil.  Cover pan and simmer on low for 20 minutes or until fork tender.

Remove cauliflower from pan and place in a blender or food processor along with HALF of your liquid and 1 Tbsp butter.

Add additional pan liquid until you reach your desired consistency.  (Do not add liquid all at once or you could end up with runny puree rather than a mashed consistency).  Add additional salt or pepper if necessary and serve.

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!

All of us want to be healthy and fit, but many of us would like to see some decent results in a shorter period of time. We want to know the tips and tricks to get some results. We want to know“How to Get Fit Fast”. Seeing results in a couple of weeks and seeing your body starting to change within a month or so, will help to keep you motivated and you will be more likely to keep going. At the same time, you need to make sure that you are keeping a balanced regimen and not overdoing it, as this can be counterproductive.
So what does it take to keep balance in nutrition and exercise, while still producing quick results? It really just comes down to your commitment and these few quick and easy tips.
A Balance of Cardio and Resistance Training: It has been scientifically proven time and again that having a balance of cardio exercise and resistance training, coupled with balance and flexibility training will create the greatest results. However, everyone is different so you will need to find the best balance for your body. The best way to do this is to utilize a program that has a pretty equal balance of cardio exercise days with strength/resistance training days.
Women, there is no reason to be worried about resistance training. You will not gain big bulky muscles with a balance cardio and resistance plan that utilizes the appropriate weights. Same goes for you men. Don’t think doing cardio is going to keep you from building the muscular physique that you desire. When you choose the right weights you can lose that fat, and put on the muscle you want.

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!

It would be suggested that you spend a minimum of 21 days on a specific program to see how your body is responding. After the 21 days you may decide if your body seems to respond better to a few more days of cardio or resistance training and make changes to your program as necessary. Though it is highly suggested to have a minimum of two days per week that is resistance training. The 21 Day Fix is a great program to consider when starting out. It is perfectly balanced to provide results.
Consume a Balanced Nutrition Plan: If you want your muscles to repair and recover faster you need to have balanced nutrition. Balanced nutrition consists of portion control, and 4-6 servings of vegetables, 2-3 servings of fruit, 4-6 servings of lean proteins, 2-4 servings of high fiber grains, and 1-3 servings of healthy fats. The servings are determined by your total calorie consumption needed on a daily basis. A clean balanced nutrition plan will aid in weight loss, and help build lean muscle.
Within your balanced nutrition plan you will really want to put emphasis on vegetables and fruit. Remember that these should lead your plate. When your body has the nutrients it needs, your body can process the proteins better as well. This will create a healthier body inside and out, help keep your energy levels up, and overall aid in weight loss and muscle recovery.
Additionally, you could add a meal or snack replacement shake that also provides complete nutrition, like Shakeology. This will keep your nutrient levels at a proper level, increase your energy, provide you a high-quality source of lean protein, and all of your vitamins and minerals. You may want to consider some of these quality nutrition plans when to help you out. You will find complete balance in the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, or other Beachbody Programs that offer similar nutrition plans.
Do Something You Enjoy: There are a number of different programs, regimens, and activities that you can do that could create results. However, choosing a program, regimen or activities that you enjoy will make all the difference. Keep in mind that having a regimen with numerous different activities and exercises may create greater results. Let’s face it, it gets boring you spend a full hour on a treadmill or elliptical trainer. It is much more effective to participate in a program/regimen that is 30-40 minutes of highly effective cardio and resistance training that you enjoy.
An incredible option would be to take a look at Beachbody On-Demand. You can subscribe and gain access to over 150 different streaming workout videos that you can choose based on your interests and do in any location. So there is no getting bored since you can just pick a different program or workout every day if you so choose. Beachbody On-Demand also gives you an incredible variety of on-line tools like meal planners, shopping list, workout logs, and support from a Beachbody Coach at no additional cost!
What are you waiting for! You now have these quick and easy tips to start getting results right away. Start losing weight or building muscle, and create that healthy body you have always wanted.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

When you start on your weight loss journey, one of the greatest challenges you may face is learning how to create and find Healthy Snacks that will help you with your Weight Loss. While you can alter your existing nutrition by removing unhealthy food you still need to some of those voids with other foods. Creating and purchasing healthy snacks doesn’t have to be complicated, nor does it have to require a lot of time and preparation.

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

If you’re looking for a fast and portable solutions to healthy snacking you definitely want to check out these health snacks. Here are examples of 10 great snacks, but check out the complete list of Healthy Snacks.

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

1. Mini tostada
Spread ¼ cup of nonfat refried beans on a small tortilla. Top with shredded lettuce, diced tomato, and a sprinkle of your favorite cheese.
2. Frozen grapes
Freeze 1 cup of grapes and enjoy them as if they're sorbet.
3. Greek yogurt with honey
Mix one teaspoon of honey into half a cup of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt.
4. Cinnamon apple
Sprinkle an apple with cinnamon for a treat that tastes more decadent than it is.
5. Strawberries and chocolate
Dip 4 or 5 (depending on their size) strawberries into 2 squares of melted dark chocolate.
6. Almost apple pie
Try 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce with a hint of cinnamon.
7. Jicama Chop
one and a half cups of jicama and add a splash of lemon juice and a pinch of salt for a tangy, refreshing treat.
8. Café Au Lait
Enjoy 8 ounces of skim milk with a shot of espresso.
9. Carrots with hummus
Crunch on 9 or 10 baby carrots with a side of 2 tablespoons of hummus.
10. Nuts
A handful of 25 pistachios, 14 almonds, or 16 peanuts makes for a nice “good” fat and protein snack.
Another superior snack that can help keep you on track and aid in weight loss and muscle gain is Shakeology. The great thing about Shakeology it is designed with the perfect balance of all your nutritional needs. You don’t have to worry about designing that perfect balance, and you get all vitamins and minerals as well. Plus it can fulfill that sweet tooth craving and in general will help curb your other cravings, and give you more energy. There are hundred different healthy shake recipes, so you will never get bored.
It is not about keeping yourself deprived, it is about choosing foods that will properly fuel your body, provide nutrients, taste good, and satisfy you. Also keep in mind that eating every 3-4 hours is also important in helping you stay on track and choosing wisely. Most tend to not choose healthy foods when they over hungry. Keep in mind that you never want to deny yourself a meal and it is also important to eat something small following an intense workout. Again Shakeology is always a good suggestion for post workout. It provides the right amount of proteins and nutrients for great post workout recovery.
Keep it simple. Just be prepared and never leave home without the snacks and packets of Shakeology. Making sure that you snack have your snacks and that you are eating every 3-4 hours will keep your mind and body happy and healthy. Healthy snacking is part of any good nutrition plan because it keeps you in tune with your body’s needs and demands. Don’t feel guilty about your snacks, just choose for your health.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Healthier Homemade Hummus

Hummus has become quite popular over the last few years and I have been know to pick it up from time to time….that is until I tried the REAL DEAL!  My friend, who is from the Middle East turned me onto a thick and garlicky flavorful treat that is unlike what you get from the mass produced versions in the grocery store.  Although this is not his recipe, it is packed with flavor and is worth the 5 or 10 minutes it takes to prepare.  I cut down on the oil and tahini in this recipe and added a little extra spices and lemon juice to make up for the additional fat.  
If you are like I used to be…. cheating yourself of flavor and loading up with unnecessary preservatives, I beg you to STOP and try this!  If you don't like cumin or red pepper problem, consider adding some roasted red peppers or your favorite seasonings.  It’s like a healthy party in your mouth!
Homemade Hummus  Serving Size 2 Tbsp
Alice Conradt

2 - Cans Chickpeas (or 1 cup dried and soaked overnight, follow directions on bag)
1/3 - 1/2 cup tahini ( found near nut butters)
1/8 cup olive oil
3 cloves garlic
Juice of 2 lemons
1/2-1 tsp cumin
1/4 - 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 - tsp paprika
Salt to taste
(1-2 Tbsp. water) to smooth if necessary
Place all ingredients in blender or food processor.  Process until smooth.  If mixture does not move through the blender easily, slowly add a little water to get it going. Hummus should be thick, not runny.

Season to  taste and serve with lots of crunchy veggies or on your favorite sandwich as a condiment!

Healthy Snacks For Work: FIVE You’re Going to Love!

Most of us tend to think that if we eat three balanced meals every day, our diet is taken care of.  However, it’s easy for unhealthy foods to creep in while you’re snacking.  Let’s say you eat breakfast before you leave home at about eight o’clock.  You’re not going to have lunch until at least one, maybe even two if you get caught up in work.  That’s nearly five or six hours during which your body will need some sustenance.  Most of us just end up taking a trip to the vending machine but how long are you going to feed yourself chips and candy before your body starts to rebel, in terms of digestive problems as well as gaining weight?  Instead, it’s a good idea to pack two healthy snacks per day, one for that mid-morning meal and another for the mid-afternoon.  Here are Five Healthy Snacks For Work that won’t be difficult to carry:

Healthy Snacks For Work: FIVE You’re Going to Love!

  1. An Apple and a Tablespoon of Almond Butter.  You can store a jar of almond butter at work and carry an apple with you.  Make sure you also keep a knife at work so that you can slice the apple and spread the almond butter when you feel hungry.  And store the almond butter in a dry area.  An apple contains 116 calories and one tablespoon of almond butter contains 102 calories.  So this is a pretty low-calorie snack containing approximately 200 calories.
  2. Whole Wheat Pita Bread and Hummus.  If you’re in the mood for more carbs and less fruits or vegetables, you can go with whole wheat pita bread and hummus.  Whole Living recommends this as one of the best snacks to take to work, as it comes up to about 187 calories per serving.  If you like cooking, you can even make up a batch of hummus and then eat it for 3-4 days.  Store both items in your work refrigerator and enjoy whenever you need a boost.
  3. Whole Grain Cereal with Berries.  This is another thing it would be easy to store at work.  Just pick up a box of whole grain cereal, a box of berries and some skim milk on your way to work.  Store the perishables in your work refrigerator and the whole grain cereal in a dry place.  This gives you a lot of fiber and a little bit of sugar for a much needed pick me up.
  4. Energy Bar.  This is one you have to really be careful with… You can use store bought energy bars, but as always you would be better off creating your own. Here is a quick and easy Homemade Energy Bar Recipe. If you don’t have time to make homemade bars, then here is what to look for when purchasing store bought bars. It is suggested that you look for bars that have more than 8 grams of protein per serving.  You also want to look for bars that have 3-4 grams of fiber per serving, 10 grams or less sugar, and stay away from artificial sweeteners like Sucralose, or maltodextrin.  The advantage of nutrition bars is that they are easy to transport.  However if you are using nutritional bars you do not want to rely solely on them as your snacks. You want to make sure that at least one of your daily snacks contains fruits or veggies.
  5. Meal Replacement Shake.  For an easy snack which requires no preparation, you can try a meal replacement shake such as Shakeology.  Store these at work and grab one mid-morning for a filling, nutritious, tasty snack.  You’ll end up feeling energized all day long.  Or if you opt to drink one in the afternoon instead, it’ll help you shake off that afternoon lethargy.  There are many delicious shake recipes as well, that are easy-to-make.  Surveys show that shakes such as Shakeology make people feel healthier, improve their regularity and increase their energy levels.